CG Conversation: Anvar Aziz

null“References are very important to me and I collect as much as I can before I start”

Anvar Aziz is an architectural visualizer currently working at Baitutidesigns, Dubai. He started as a 3d animator at a little in house studio in Trivandrum; now a successful visualiser, influencing many others in the field of Architectural Visualization. A glimpse of his work can be seen at In a CG Conversation with Animation ‘xpress, Anvar shared some of his experiences that he has had in his journey with CG so far…

(All images within this article are hi resolution and will take a little while to download)

Please tell us some about yourself?
Though my name is Anvar Aziz, Mukks is what I am known as across all forums and CG communities. I finished my schooling and graduation from my hometown in Kerala. Later I moved to the world of Computer graphics. Its been some two and a half years that I have been working at an architectural visualisation firm in Dubai and its been great working at it.

Tell us about your journey in CG so far. How you became involved in architectural visualization
Oh well, it all started with computer games at school (I still love playing them). I eventually came across a couple of articles on 3D in some magazines. Out of my curiosity to learn more about it, I started gathering knowledge from various sources. And this is how it all started. I realised my passion towards CG was growing everyday. I wanted to learn more about it. So to undergo some formal education, I moved to Chennai, joined Pentasoft. Later I joined a small in house studio at Trivandrum, as a graphics artist and a 3d animator. Yes animation still fascinates me.

Late 2003, I moved to Dubai. I realized that architectural visualization holds firm ground here in comparison with production. With little knowledge to read architectural drawings, I started working as an architectural visualizer at Baituti designs. I also freelance alongside. Now archviz is my world.

What software do you use on your projects?
For my Projects I primarily use 3D studio max as the 3d software and Vray as the renderer. Photoshop is used for final touches and postproduction. When it comes to animations, I’ll use After effects instead.

Are CAD drawings the start point of all your renders? How often do you use references, how important are they?
Almost, but sometimes I start from sketches too. References are very important to me and I collect as much as I can before I start. That helps me to study the real world lighting and how textures look in different light situations, Never keep others’ renders as references, always look for a real picture, Here in our office, we have mood boards and samples of material while doing design that too helps a lot as reference.

How much of your final image is straight from the renderer and how much is edited is post production?
I try to get most of it from the 3d package. Even the 3d people and 3d cars are used in my exterior renders. While post producing, I add more 2d characters and trees to fill the view. Some level adjustment and color correction in Photoshop completes my renders.

What post production software do you use?
For post work I use Photoshop mostly; when it comes to animation (walkthroughs) I prefer After Effects.

How do you plan the lighting for your scenes?
After completing the modeling process, I start with the main light source or the key light. For interiors I mostly use a combination of area lights and some spots, (I prefer using ies files).

Would you like to share some information about some of your recent artworks, or projects that you are working on?
I can’t say all my renders are artworks? The main idea or design is from architects and designers; I’m just conveying their vision via images that I render. When I do everything from conceptualizing to final render by myself, then I can call it as my Artwork, I’m planning for some, but time is a big factor!

About the current projects, along with daily office work, I’m also freelancing, doing some G + 5 residential buildings. An interesting and promising project.

Of your professional and personal work, could you tell us which piece of work you are most proud of and why. Tell us a little bit about that image.
Oops, its very difficult to choose one, I love all of my renders. I feel proud when others say my renders look better than actual site after project completion, it feels great.

Who has influenced your rendering style the most?
I like the renders done by artists like Oliver Campagne (I like his style the most). Also Chen Qingfeng , Jesus Selvera, and renders from ICUB visualization , the list is pretty long…

What do you suggest to the wanna be 3d artists?
Practice! Along with computer tools read books regarding photography, painting, etc. Never stop learning and be ready to face challenges.

What tips can you give to our readers to improve their renderings?
You can learn a lot from the Nature. Take a look at shadows, reflections, highlights etc around you. You can study a lot from your surroundings. keep solid reference images before you start. Google is one of my best friends..

How do you see the industry evolving over the next 5 years?
We will see more and more realistic visualizations, See the digital sets in movies today? archviz will move more towards that area, lets Hope render engines like Maxwell gets faster, and workstations like Boxx apexx get easier on pockets!

As a student,how many hours did you spend on modelling, texturing and lighting?
I have no idea, but I can say many many sleepless nights.

What are your future plans?
I need to move more towards Media and Production side. Thats what I am looking forward to.